Inspirational Poems


Brand New - dark poetry by Lord Freakzilla and published by Dark Rose Poems

Dark Rose Poems presents – BRAND NEW – As I lift my head up, and take a look around; I see with new eyes now, no longer focused on the ground. My friends all say, look up and you will see; you’re not the same person, that you used to be. Your life has been …

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TO BE FEARLESS - dark poetry by Lord Freakzilla and published by Dark Rose Poems

Dark Rose Poems presents TO BE FEARLESS – We stand on the edge of the precipice, a dark and dangerous place, with the abyss looming below, an empty void of space; the beast is staring at us, not giving us chase, it’s cold breath, upon our face. Types: inspirational poems / gothic poems. Dark Rose …

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The Dark Energy

THE DARK ENERGY, dark poetry by Lord Freakzilla and published by Dark Rose Poems

Dark Rose Poems presents The Dark Energy: I can feel the pull, when the Moon is full, Begging me to come out and play; creatures are prowling, wolves are howling, It’s energetic light, shows me the way.Her proper sphere, glimmers near,And radiant is her light;Like mythical laughter,All the nocturnal gather,She is the Mistress of the …

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Life Of Elizabeth

Ruling over darkness and light, dark poetry by Lord Freakzilla and published by Dark Rose Poems

Dark Rose Poems presents Life Of Elizabeth: She may be young, But let her song be sung, This woman’s resolve was made of steel; Life gave her a frown, tried to tear her down, For her struggle in life was Real. This Zodiac Cancer, was looking for answers, Just like her family had taught her; …

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Standing Alone

Standing Alone- dark poetry by Lord Freakzilla and published by Dark Rose Poems

Dark Rose Poems presents Standing Alone: We go through life thinking things are fine, Got friends all around and someone at your side; Only years can teach you, life is a bumpy ride, Everybody you have around you, have things to hide. In time, your friends will betray you, in a behind your back type …

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Love- dark poetry by Lord Freakzilla and published by Dark Rose Poems

Dark Rose Poems presents Love? : Before the 18th century, Love did not exist; Marriages were arranged,And brides were unkissed. Daughters were sold, To the one with highest bids; The man would take care of her, In exchange for raising kids. No words of compassion, No saying baby or honey; For men it was about …

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